One of the joys (perhaps curses) of being semi retired is that I can watch a Presidential news Conference in the middle of the day. (why don't they do these at 6 pm so working folks can actually see their President in action?) So today I decided that since this was his first news conference in eight months I would tune in. He made a surprisingly brief opening statement reiterating that the Fiscal Cliff is upon us and we can solve it as long as Congress does it his way. Then he started taking questions from the press. I want to learn more so I listened carefully. A lot of questions were around Benghazi and the Petraus scandal. Sadly it is apparent we will never know the truth on either so we probably should just drop it. The President says there is a an investigation of Benghazi and we will find the killers and bring them to justice. He diverted all specific questions about his role in trying to save the four American on 9/11 and why they did not have adequate protection. Short ...
Random ramblings of a renowned speaker, race car driver and gearhead