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Showing posts from May, 2013

Ferrari Perspective

For those that have never had the joy of owning or driving a Ferrari let me share that all the hype is true. In my mind most of them are close to perfect cars. Now before I get attacked by loving Porsche and Lambo owners let me explain. Ferrari's are clearly designed to be driven and if you have a passion for driving they come close to perfection. Sure there are many other great cars and I take nothing away from them, but as a marque Ferrari is at the top in my book. Additionally, there is no way I can cover all the history or cars from this significant marque in this blog entry, so I will merely touch on some interesting highlights. Let me break Ferrari's into four distinct categories - race cars, classic cars, modern era cars and of course super cars. Naturally Enzo was a racer and that is what drove the man to build cars in the first place. Everyone that knows the marque knows Enzo only built street cars to finance his racing programs. So Ferrari is obviously a great m...

The Best Car Shows on TV

Cable is a great invention and most of us are blessed with having access to over 200 channels. I am still in awe of this as I grew up in Jamaica and never saw TV in my country till I was 9. When it came we had one channel and it was only on about 6 hours a day. With time it was on all day till midnight but we did not have any color just good old black and white. I know many in US in my age category remember only a few channels, no 24 hour coverage and color TV as a luxury. Like cars, TV has changed so much. In Jamaica today, they have cable very similar to the US and tons of channels to watch. As a gear head and racer I naturally check out anything automotive. Over the years the auto content on TV has improved a great deal. Actually, there is so much auto content it is hard to figure out what to watch. Well I am here to help. Before I dive in let me say that TV shows are very personal choices and you may hate mine. I just share as a service so that you know what to expect should yo...