There has been so much swirl about the transgender bathroom issue. Both sides feel very strongly and both have good points of view. As I have weighed the issue and wrote about it in my prior blog, I realized I missed the clear and simple solution. The solution is this: If we just use Port-o-Potties the problem will be solved. The transgender proponents will be happy as their members can get access to any bathroom they wish - no discrimination at all. And the folks against opening bathrooms to any sex get what they want as these single stalls will protect them and their kids from being exposed to the opposite sex in a bathroom. Why didn't I think of this earlier! Also note if simple Port-o-Potties won't do we can just build single space toilets and accomplish the same goal. See we can all co-exist and be happy :)
Random ramblings of a renowned speaker, race car driver and gearhead