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American Hypocrits

I am confused and sad. All the polls for the last three years have shown the growing frustration and dislike the American people have for Congress. Actually, the approval rating for Congress is at 15% as of June. 9% was the lowest it has been in history and that happened late last year. Since 2012 we have averaged about 13% approval rating.

I am one of those angry and frustrated Americans. The Congress has shown complete inability to conduct the business of the country and has bickered non stop since Obama took power. The have shown that their primary interest is their own political careers and not the will of the people. We are a laughing stock worldwide and this gridlock has affected our economy and foreign policy negatively.

So here is the hypocrisy. If we hate the job the Congress is doing and we all agree that parties aside they are not performing to standards we the people have set, why don't we fire them? I just don't understand. We are a Democracy (really a republic but lets debate that another time) and these folks work for us. We have several election cycles where we could have affected major change but we have not done it.

If less than 15% of the voting population of the US think the Congress is doing a good job then why don't the 85% that are unhappy make the changes? I know that everyone has their favorite Congress person who is "doing a good job" while all the rest are not. Or their are a few that are trying to do the right think but can't get any legislation through because of the political gridlock. I have heard all the lame excuses. If an entire team is failing to perform in business or sport we make major changes. Yes there will be some casualties of war but we need wholesale change.

We have a mid-term election coming up in November. We have 435 House seats up for re-election and 33 Senate seats. If we fired all of these folks - every single incumbent regardless of party or state, we would send a clear message that Congress better start doing the job we hired them to do! I have heard many objections to this plan but none hold water.

Some objections: If we fire all these folks then we are "throwing the baby out with the bath water". If we do this we will not retain enough institutional knowledge. If we do this we will end the careers of some great legislators. If we do this we will bring in a bunch of rookies who will be lost and unproductive for at least a year. All of it is weak and illogical reasoning.

The fact is if we did this wholesale firing in Congress we would see a very immediate change in DC and the gridlock would disappear very quickly. You would be surprised how fast the Congress would find ways to reach a compromise and get things done. Truthfully firing this bunch is actually not enough but I would hope that remaining idiots would see their days are numbered unless the collective group gets things done. If they don't we get another shot at firing more of them in 2016. The challenge would be the President as he is contributing to the gridlock by promoting partisan approach. The good news he will only be around for a bit

So come on America. Lets show Congress who is boss! Fire every incumbent in November and end this gridlock and political stalemate. Forget our party affiliations for a few days and fire them all. Show the world we are still in control and our bidding will be done.

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