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Showing posts from April, 2016

America Politics Gone Mad

In car racing we have a time in each season affectionately called the "Silly Season". For it is a time when all the trading and movement for the following season takes place. Driver switch teams or get fired, teams change suppliers or engines, teams switch leaders or engineers and race schedules and venues get selected or dumped. For racers it is time we expect to see massive change and sometimes surprises. Well it appears we are in the Silly Season in American politics. Yes we expect every 4 years that we will elect a President and it gets even sillier when we have a lame duck in the White house. (sorry no disrespect the President Obama although the title seems to fit). This time around it is the worst Silly Season I have ever seen. Actually we might want to rename it the Ridiculous Stupid Season. Have you been paying attention to the political circus in since late last year? Of course you have you can't avoid it no matter what you do. That right there is part of the...

Societal Priorities

I have not posted in a very long time. Basically been too busy trying to make a living and feed my family. But recent events have been weighing heavy on my mind and I felt compelled to post. Have we totally lost our way as a society/country? What has happened to our priorities? Where are we headed? Am I the only one that sees this problem? Lets start with the trigger that forced me to write this post - Bruce Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair as a woman and Target Transgender Bathroom Policy. No I don't care that Bruce is becoming Caitlyn. No I am not against transsexuals, gays, transgender, lesbians or bi-sexuals. I believe what people do with their sex life is their business and we should allow them that freedom as long as they are not hurting anyone. So no child porn or human trafficking. Bruce is not the first and nor anything special. Heck I remember as a teenager in Jamaica a guy went abroad and came back a girl. No big deal. So what is bothering me? Why is it news...