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Societal Priorities

I have not posted in a very long time. Basically been too busy trying to make a living and feed my family. But recent events have been weighing heavy on my mind and I felt compelled to post.

Have we totally lost our way as a society/country? What has happened to our priorities? Where are we headed? Am I the only one that sees this problem?

Lets start with the trigger that forced me to write this post - Bruce Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair as a woman and Target Transgender Bathroom Policy.

No I don't care that Bruce is becoming Caitlyn. No I am not against transsexuals, gays, transgender, lesbians or bi-sexuals. I believe what people do with their sex life is their business and we should allow them that freedom as long as they are not hurting anyone. So no child porn or human trafficking.

Bruce is not the first and nor anything special. Heck I remember as a teenager in Jamaica a guy went abroad and came back a girl. No big deal. So what is bothering me? Why is it news? Why are we making a big deal out of it? Why is it important? That's what is bothering me.

We are at war, kids are starving, there is police brutality, ISIS is recruiting our kids, folks are being beheaded, we are hated by most of the world, our homeless population is growing, our economy is still not strong, our debt is massive and on and on. Why does one guy changing his sex make news? I know why Vanity Fair did it - to sell magazines. I know why ABC did the interview with him - to sell adverting and get ratings. But why do we as people care and buy into this?

Why don't we rush to see or buy stories about real heroes - our soldiers, our teachers, our medical practitioners, and our first responders? What the hell has gone wrong with our society? And lets not make this about Bruce - he is just the flavor of the week. We only care about those people when we need them. This priority of stupid fluff is sending the wrong message to our future generations.

I think it is much more important for kids to learn about world events, challenges in our society, history and economics than who is getting a sex change or what Kim and Kanye will name their next child. Sure we have always had a fascination with stars and celebrities but today we have become fixated on them and worse we are letting them dictate social morals. Absolutely ridiculous!

Then there is the whole Transgender bathroom issue. Again I have no issue with any transgender folks. I do as a Christian believe that God has told us at birth which sex we are - just look in your underpants!. That said the one exception are those very few children born with both sex organs. Their parents have to decide which to make them and they could make the wrong choice. In those cases I think it is perfectly okay for those people to have sex change operations.

I don't believe any child (other than those noted above) is confused about their gender. I do believe that many might not like their gender! Two every different things. again being the liberal that I am, I accept this but do not agree with it. Further I think most of this comes from bad parenting but that is a discussion for a different post. So if we have kids who are not comfortable with their sex then should we support them and allow them to change? Sure we should. If they are not Christians and don't believe they are violating what God made them, then go for it.

So with these opinions why am I upset about the bathroom issue? Well its simple we can't control it and it opens the door (sorry bad pun) for abuse. If we allow anyone to decide on any given day that they are not happy being lets say a man and thus they can just start using the women's restroom, we have a big problem. For example, a pedophile decides he wants to see little girls so he says he is not happy being a man and starts going into girls bathrooms. How can we stop this? Can't everyone see the danger here?

Finally we are looking at this wrong way once again. We are all focused (the media) on the poor sexually confused person and not on the 20 or 30 people who they may encounter in the "wrong" bathroom. We should be more concerned for children in the correct bathroom who suddenly see a person of the opposite sex in that bathroom perhaps exposing their genitals. Can't we see the dire effect this may have on our children let alone the safety issue outlined above?

Target is a very inclusive store and I applaud them for trying to show they are but opening bathrooms to anyone on any day who feels like changing their sexual orientation, is not the way to do it. Trust me people I went through this in Europe at a young age and it is traumatic.

Where does this all end? Are we going to do away with all societal boundaries? Are we going to eliminate all laws and rules because they disadvantage someone or group? Who decides and based on what? Is social media going to create a new world? (gosh I hope not)

There is so much good in this world and so many tools we now have to create better lives for so many but we seem lost. Our priorities are not aligned and we focus on stupidity not things that matter. Just look at some of the stuff that goes"viral" on social media. That tells the whole story. It is sad and frightening to me and worst of all it seems to have a life of its own - no controls or boundaries. I think we are bordering on chaos.

I can't help but think that we are victims of our own success and moral decay. I mean the Baby Boomers (I'm included) have coddled and spoiled a generation of kids who are now adults and influencing society. They are driving technology, social media, legislative focus and buying trends. We have created some good things in them but also some very bad ones. They are entitled and very egotistical. They tend to have no sense of history and are very dismissive of anyone that does not agree with their position and views. They expect a great deal and want to do as little as possible to get it. They do not have a strong work ethic (for the most part). Most want notoriety and to lead not follow. While many have a social conscience it is different from the Boomers. They think society owes them something. The Protestant work ethic of the 50's and 60's is dead and our economy shows it.

Perhaps a society with fewer rules is going to be better? I am not sure. So where do we draw the line? That line is not clear and actually keeps moving. Kids need guardrails and so does society. Without them we have chaos and anarchy. Perhaps we have not changed our rules to fit the new moral and societal norms but we still need them. Have we raised a generation that cares more about the Kardashians than ISIS? More about transgender bathrooms in schools than starving American kids and human trafficking?

Clearly I don't get it and yet my moral compass seems to no longer fit with the direction of today's society. Again I don't disagree with a more open and liberal society - actually I am for it. But we must have some boundaries and priorities. To me those seem self evident but to most they don't. I guess we have such weak leadership throughout our society and within our families that this outcome was predictable. I for one am worried and frightened for our future America. It is time to make some changes or we might implode and become a footnote in history.

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