Well we are less than 11 days away from electing a new President in the USA. Normally this is an exciting time in America - a time of hope, energy and renewal. Not this time! I have voted in 11 Presidential Elections starting in 1976. I consider it an honor, privledge and responsibility to vote as a citizen of the US. I have been a registered Democrat and Republican at various times. I have crossed party lines many times as I vote my conscience every time. I have been an independent voter for sometime now. In that 40 year period America has been through a lot and made many changes. I have predicted the President everytime correctly although many times they have not been my choice. This is the first time I have seen an election like this. People are so divided and there is so much hatred and anger. Folks are voting not for the person they think is the best choice for the country but for a person who can best the candidate they hate. I travel for a living and I am all over this g...
Random ramblings of a renowned speaker, race car driver and gearhead