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US Presidential Election

Well we are less than 11 days away from electing a new President in the USA. Normally this is an exciting time in America - a time of hope, energy and renewal. Not this time!

I have voted in 11 Presidential Elections starting in 1976. I consider it an honor, privledge and responsibility to vote as a citizen of the US. I have been a registered Democrat and Republican at various times. I have crossed party lines many times as I vote my conscience every time. I have been an independent voter for sometime now. In that 40 year period America has been through a lot and made many changes. I have predicted the President everytime correctly although many times they have not been my choice.

This is the first time I have seen an election like this. People are so divided and there is so much hatred and anger. Folks are voting not for the person they think is the best choice for the country but for a person who can best the candidate they hate. I travel for a living and I am all over this great country every month. I have the opportunity to speak to people from all walks of life and in so many cities. A year ago I started to casually ask people about their thoughts on Presendital candidates.

Since the nominations by each party this rift has become unlike anything I have ever seen. I would describe it as three distinct buckets of people - those for Clinton, those for Trump and those who will not vote and don't care. Sadly the later group is the largest I have ever seen.

Neither candidate is right for being the US President. They both have many flaws and honestly whichever one wins will cause major issue for our country. It is a very depressing commentary on our nation that we are choosing between the Lesser of Two Evils. Here is my view on each:


She is a career politician who knows the system better than anyone and manipulates it for her benefit. She has wanted this job from before Bill got it. She has always been the power behind the "throne" and made Bill what he is. She is ruthless, selfish, hypocritical and a liar. She is cold and insensitive. She really does not care about people just what they can do for her and her agenda. She is very smart and understands Washington better than any woman in the country. She has a strong team and knows exactly how to run a campaign. I believe she has no boundaries - moral or ethical - that she won't cross to get what she wants. She wants money and power.

She will not be a good President. I think she will carry forward many of Obama's failed initiatives and create some pretty bad ones of her own. If she inherits a Republican House and Senate she will follow in the Obama methodology and abuse her Executive powers. She will be a weak Commander and Chief as she has no military background and really sees it all as a necessary and expensive evil. She will be a weak international leader just like Obama with one exception. She is a woman and many in the Middle East will not respect her or take her seriously, partially because of her sex but mostly because of her failures as Secretary of State. Russia will become a big problem for the US as she publicly dislikes Putin and since he is a misogynistic pig, he will hate her.

She will drive America towards National Health care, she will manipulate special interests for her gain, she will expand entitlement programs to assure votes and she will increase taxes on all Americans. Worst of all she will appoint Justices to the Supreme Court that will create a leftist leaning and thus weaken the most important institution in America. We will not prosper under Hilary Clinton. Actually I expect we will see another recession during her first term. Finally, Bill will have so much fun in the White House and will further degrade that great institution.


He is not a politician and that is obvious. He is a Washington outsider and a buffoon. He has no filter whatsoever and says some of the stupidest things. He is an embarrassment to the country and he is a pig. He definitely sees women as objects more than equals and he is incapable of communicating with minorities. He is very smart despite his stupid comments. He knows our tax and financial system better than anyone who has ever run fro President. He is good at surrounding himself with very bright people who are the best at what they do. He truly cares about the working class and has strong opinions on our constitution. That said his thoughts on how fix certain social issue are draconian and scary. He is egotistical and not a good communicator (very typical New York boisterous). He is weak on facts and big on exaggeration. He is a bit of bully and attacks folks who disagree with him. Not a good trait for a President.

He will help turn around the American economy. He will cut taxes and encourage business to create jobs and thrive. He will decrease our defecit and will put millions of American back to work. He will piss off many other countries and he will be very tough on immigration. He will build a wall whether practical or not as he like momumnets to him - see Trump Towers. He will frighten terrorists and countries that harbor them. This will in turn protect America but will not be popular within NATO or the UN. He will improve relations with Russia and embrace most of our allies - Isreal and the Europeans. He will appoint strong moderates to the Supreme court who will drive fair and constitutional legal decisions, keeping the critical balance in the Court.. He will not repeal Roe v Waid and he will not decrease rights for minorities or women despite what some folks think. He will be a one term President who cannot be bought or unduly influenced.

Whether you agree with my assessment or not you should be very concerned about this election as it will change the course of America for a long time to come. If you are young, if you have kids or grandchildren you should be deeply concerned as this election will set the social and economic agenda for America for the next 20 years. If you are old or a Baby Boomer, hang on because the ride is going to be rough.

Whatever you do - VOTE!. The last thing we need is a close race. We need a clear winner - a democracy that has spoken with a loud voice. I don't like either candidate but I will vote. It is my duty as an American and I want my kids to learn that.

Whoever wins we must never stop fighting for what we believe in and what is right. The new America seems to see everything as a shade of grey that morphs as necessary. This is utter crap. Still many things are clearly black or white. We have just become fearful of making decisions and indecision is paramount to death. The train will always run you over if you walk in the middle of the tracks.

I pray for our country and that we will unite as Americans and show the world that our differences make us stronger and we will not be torn apart from the inside. And 12 days from now we will have a new leader like it or not and we must rally to make America great again. God Bless America.

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