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Showing posts from May, 2017

Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid

I have spent the last 3 days in the US capitol - Washington DC. This is by no means my first visit and probably won't be my last. Coincidentally I am here as the Republicans finally pass ACA reform in the House. Will this be a historic day? Only time will tell. Why my onerous title? Well being at the seat of Federal power and interfacing with several very powerful policy makers and their staff has scared the crap out of me. This place is not normal and we should all be very worried. Look DC has always been nuts. Inside the beltway has no connection to reality and how they operate is ridiculous and illogical, I have known this for more than 20 years so seeing it again close up was not shocking just very disappointing. What created fear in me was the changes I did see First I have never seen such a partisan divide. The camps are literally angry and mean to each other publicly. The 22 years old staffers who sadly really run the government have even changed. They used to chase each...