I have spent the last 3 days in the US capitol - Washington DC. This is by no means my first visit and probably won't be my last. Coincidentally I am here as the Republicans finally pass ACA reform in the House. Will this be a historic day? Only time will tell.
Why my onerous title? Well being at the seat of Federal power and interfacing with several very powerful policy makers and their staff has scared the crap out of me. This place is not normal and we should all be very worried. Look DC has always been nuts. Inside the beltway has no connection to reality and how they operate is ridiculous and illogical, I have known this for more than 20 years so seeing it again close up was not shocking just very disappointing. What created fear in me was the changes I did see
First I have never seen such a partisan divide. The camps are literally angry and mean to each other publicly. The 22 years old staffers who sadly really run the government have even changed. They used to chase each other around the Capitol trying to get laid with no consideration of party affiliation. Now they have drawn lines and not even pent up youthful sexual desire can seem to cross them.
So why the concern? well some decades ago the media changed. They stopped being journalists and became opinion mongers. Gone was the traditional who, what, when, where of journalism replaced by opinionated, egotistical, power broadcasters who actively pander their opinions and try to influence people. Part of it can be tied to the advent of the 24 hour news cycle but part of it is just a shear lack of professional journalism.
CNN started the idea of a 24 hour news cycle and quickly found there was not enough news to really fill such a cycle but it was very profitable. Prior to that we used to have an hour of the evening news on 3 TV stations with professional journalists. I know Millennials will find it hard to believe but we got along just fine and reading the newspaper was actually an enjoyable form of daily education. When CNN found they could not fill the 24 hour news cycle they started to create shows that posed as news but really were a bunch of overpaid talking heads pontificating about current events.
As this became hugely financially successful we then saw the advent of 24 hour sports with ESPN. CNN became so opinionated and left leaning that Murdoch saw an opening to create a new 24 hour station to offer a "fair and Balanced" news - and Fox was created. It like CNN took off and was wildly successful. In a short time each became the mouth piece for their respective sides of the aisle - CNN was for the Democrats and Fox for the Republicans.
While all this was happening another media sensation was starting - social media. Myspace was the first followed by several others leading us to Facebook and Twitter. Now those helped create a slew of additional players - Instagram, Snap Chat, WhatsApp and more.
In the middle of all this media frenzy was a new generation of kids who we now call Millennials. These spoiled and entitled kids for the most part became acquainted with these constant media channels in infancy. They literally grew up thinking this was the factual news and this was journalism. They learned that expressing your opinion no matter what it is or how trivial is not only acceptable but actually socially correct. They learned that instant communication and information was the norm and that anything less was just unacceptable.
This has led to an entire generation forming sides just like CNN and Fox and are now firmly entrenched in their opinions. Further they have now become robotic extensions of these media trends willing or unwillingly and spread the "false news" via social media. Since they were all raised in a politically correct world where there was virtually no discipline and even less morals, they could form the most outlandish opinions and post them on social media. This is turn served over time to make society immune to what decades prior would have caused outrage and immediate extinction. So today we live in this 24 hour connected opinionated world with very few filters driven by instant gratification and a false sense of worth.
Kids today get depressed if their posts don't get immediate and plentiful likes. Scientist have actually studied this and found that because these kids are so connected to social media it actually has replaced for the most part real human interaction. The endorphin release derived from positive social media feedback is equivalent to many truly pleasurable human interactions - food. sex and physical accomplishments. So much so that many scientists believe many Millennials are truly, clinically addicted to social media.
So how does this make me afraid? Well in many ways. First we have an entire generation who are living their lives on what might be totally false information. Second they are so bombarded by it that they never escape the stimulus and conversely the addiction grows. Third they are sharing this false information and one sided opinions with millions of others including the generation behind them - thus perpetuating the infection. Fourth these folks are entering the workforce and voting population by the millions and are armed with strong opinions and the social media to disperse it and defend it. Finally the vitriol with which they attack people of opposing opinions is frightening and borders on psychotic.
The results are now becoming very apparent and they are frightening. We are a completely divided society with more hatred than I have seen in my 59 years on this earth. All differences are now magnified by this media explosion and cause escalation of attacks. Just look around, We have wars, religious fighting, political attacks, terrorism, suicide, bullying and so much more. We also now accept anything as being okay. Where does it stop? We seem to be headed straight for anarchy and destruction of society as we know it.
I believe that we have to do something radical and quickly or we will implode. So my trip to DC showed me close up how all these problems are manifesting themselves in the seat of power in our country - the most powerful on earth. I saw these Millennials devouring media and spouting unsubstantiated opinions all over the place. I witnessed them influencing their bosses by providing "tainted opinionated" reviews of critical legislation. I watched them attack others with opposing opinions on critical national issues. And worst of all I watched as most lawmakers and folks who should know better let it all happen if not encourage it. So I am afraid, very afraid for those kids and for this country and the world because we have created our own beast and it is devouring us at an increasing rate.
I believe society has to progress and every generation brings us the impetus to learn and grow - to look past the norm and traditional. My generation certainly did that but we were guided and stewarded by our parents and society. We were given a sensible track to run on and we never violated the core human respect. This time around we have abandoned all guides or morals and created a media frenzy with no limits where any and everything is acceptable. I blame the Baby Boomers for all this. If we are really honest we never stopped revolting and while we appeared to conform we really just shifted our revolutionary thoughts and freedoms to our children. Now we have uncontrollable Millennials who expect the world owes them. (please note that I generalize and realize that not all Baby Boomers failed nor are all Millennials spoiled snowflakes. But the clear majority are and in a democracy that spells control).
I honestly do not know how we can stop it and if I figure out a plan I will be sure to share it till then I suggest we pray. Oh I forgot we are not allowed to do that anymore because there is no God. I guess if we don't include Facebook?
Why my onerous title? Well being at the seat of Federal power and interfacing with several very powerful policy makers and their staff has scared the crap out of me. This place is not normal and we should all be very worried. Look DC has always been nuts. Inside the beltway has no connection to reality and how they operate is ridiculous and illogical, I have known this for more than 20 years so seeing it again close up was not shocking just very disappointing. What created fear in me was the changes I did see
First I have never seen such a partisan divide. The camps are literally angry and mean to each other publicly. The 22 years old staffers who sadly really run the government have even changed. They used to chase each other around the Capitol trying to get laid with no consideration of party affiliation. Now they have drawn lines and not even pent up youthful sexual desire can seem to cross them.
So why the concern? well some decades ago the media changed. They stopped being journalists and became opinion mongers. Gone was the traditional who, what, when, where of journalism replaced by opinionated, egotistical, power broadcasters who actively pander their opinions and try to influence people. Part of it can be tied to the advent of the 24 hour news cycle but part of it is just a shear lack of professional journalism.
CNN started the idea of a 24 hour news cycle and quickly found there was not enough news to really fill such a cycle but it was very profitable. Prior to that we used to have an hour of the evening news on 3 TV stations with professional journalists. I know Millennials will find it hard to believe but we got along just fine and reading the newspaper was actually an enjoyable form of daily education. When CNN found they could not fill the 24 hour news cycle they started to create shows that posed as news but really were a bunch of overpaid talking heads pontificating about current events.
As this became hugely financially successful we then saw the advent of 24 hour sports with ESPN. CNN became so opinionated and left leaning that Murdoch saw an opening to create a new 24 hour station to offer a "fair and Balanced" news - and Fox was created. It like CNN took off and was wildly successful. In a short time each became the mouth piece for their respective sides of the aisle - CNN was for the Democrats and Fox for the Republicans.
While all this was happening another media sensation was starting - social media. Myspace was the first followed by several others leading us to Facebook and Twitter. Now those helped create a slew of additional players - Instagram, Snap Chat, WhatsApp and more.
In the middle of all this media frenzy was a new generation of kids who we now call Millennials. These spoiled and entitled kids for the most part became acquainted with these constant media channels in infancy. They literally grew up thinking this was the factual news and this was journalism. They learned that expressing your opinion no matter what it is or how trivial is not only acceptable but actually socially correct. They learned that instant communication and information was the norm and that anything less was just unacceptable.
This has led to an entire generation forming sides just like CNN and Fox and are now firmly entrenched in their opinions. Further they have now become robotic extensions of these media trends willing or unwillingly and spread the "false news" via social media. Since they were all raised in a politically correct world where there was virtually no discipline and even less morals, they could form the most outlandish opinions and post them on social media. This is turn served over time to make society immune to what decades prior would have caused outrage and immediate extinction. So today we live in this 24 hour connected opinionated world with very few filters driven by instant gratification and a false sense of worth.
Kids today get depressed if their posts don't get immediate and plentiful likes. Scientist have actually studied this and found that because these kids are so connected to social media it actually has replaced for the most part real human interaction. The endorphin release derived from positive social media feedback is equivalent to many truly pleasurable human interactions - food. sex and physical accomplishments. So much so that many scientists believe many Millennials are truly, clinically addicted to social media.
So how does this make me afraid? Well in many ways. First we have an entire generation who are living their lives on what might be totally false information. Second they are so bombarded by it that they never escape the stimulus and conversely the addiction grows. Third they are sharing this false information and one sided opinions with millions of others including the generation behind them - thus perpetuating the infection. Fourth these folks are entering the workforce and voting population by the millions and are armed with strong opinions and the social media to disperse it and defend it. Finally the vitriol with which they attack people of opposing opinions is frightening and borders on psychotic.
The results are now becoming very apparent and they are frightening. We are a completely divided society with more hatred than I have seen in my 59 years on this earth. All differences are now magnified by this media explosion and cause escalation of attacks. Just look around, We have wars, religious fighting, political attacks, terrorism, suicide, bullying and so much more. We also now accept anything as being okay. Where does it stop? We seem to be headed straight for anarchy and destruction of society as we know it.
I believe that we have to do something radical and quickly or we will implode. So my trip to DC showed me close up how all these problems are manifesting themselves in the seat of power in our country - the most powerful on earth. I saw these Millennials devouring media and spouting unsubstantiated opinions all over the place. I witnessed them influencing their bosses by providing "tainted opinionated" reviews of critical legislation. I watched them attack others with opposing opinions on critical national issues. And worst of all I watched as most lawmakers and folks who should know better let it all happen if not encourage it. So I am afraid, very afraid for those kids and for this country and the world because we have created our own beast and it is devouring us at an increasing rate.
I believe society has to progress and every generation brings us the impetus to learn and grow - to look past the norm and traditional. My generation certainly did that but we were guided and stewarded by our parents and society. We were given a sensible track to run on and we never violated the core human respect. This time around we have abandoned all guides or morals and created a media frenzy with no limits where any and everything is acceptable. I blame the Baby Boomers for all this. If we are really honest we never stopped revolting and while we appeared to conform we really just shifted our revolutionary thoughts and freedoms to our children. Now we have uncontrollable Millennials who expect the world owes them. (please note that I generalize and realize that not all Baby Boomers failed nor are all Millennials spoiled snowflakes. But the clear majority are and in a democracy that spells control).
I honestly do not know how we can stop it and if I figure out a plan I will be sure to share it till then I suggest we pray. Oh I forgot we are not allowed to do that anymore because there is no God. I guess if we don't include Facebook?