Since Donald Trump was elected President we have been on a roller-coaster ride. Not that politics was clean stable or effective prior to his Presidency either. This is just a new chapter in American politics and the Presidency. While clearly he has polarized the nation if not the world the journey has been interesting and not all together unsuccessful.
The Campaign
Trump was a fighter and hit a nerve in the American population that had been demoralized by the Obama Presidency. He rode the wave of that popularity all the way to the White House. The shock and surprise of the left side of the political aisle is still palpable. The attempts to stop him from winning were legendary and even involve foreign governments. The dirt post election has been very embarrassing for America. The dirt that came out during the campaign was bad. We look like a small third world country full of corruption and underhanded politics.
The Trump Presidency
He took office and immediately began to dismantle many of Obamas orders. He tried to repeal ACA but failed but has continued to weaken the landmark Obama legislation bit by bit. He has been under attack since the day he entered the White House. Actually he has been attacked like no other President in history. His ongoing feud with the press is legendary and will go down in history as an epic battle.
He has done nothing to help himself in the media by posting daily inflammatory Tweets on every subject imaginable. He is truly a bully and attacks anyone who challenges him in anyway. His Tweets are often personal attacks and very un-Presidential. He truly is an embarrassment to the office and should have been censured long before now.(although I am not sure the Constitution has a provision for doing so with a sitting President).
He is hated by every Democrat in the country and disliked by many Republicans as well. I say hated because the vitriol from the left has been nothing short of inflammatory also. I have never seen such vile attacks on a sitting President and such disrespect for the office. The partisan divide in the Congress is the worst I have ever seen in the last 40 years. Even without doing anything as President he polarized the political environment. Now to be fair the left and right were already at each others throats through the campaign process and we have had a lame Congress for many years.So Trump does not get all the blame but he has done nothing to unify the country or Congress.
His attitude has been that of a typical egotistical billionaire that is used to getting his way all the time. I will give him credit however in some areas.
He has made many changes that have strengthened the economy and the tax cuts were a huge part. His foreign policy while unruly has been a big step forward from where Obama left us. Getting North Korea to disarm was a huge world triumph. His strong stance with Iran is also going to pay dividends and hopefully will drive better peace in the region. The new embassy in Jerusalem was controversial but probably the right move. His trade tariffs have been tough but long term will be best for America. We clearly were being abused by many other countries. His minor changes to ACA have been important and pave the way to a better healthcare system in the US. His Supreme court nomination is controversial but a good one - the Court was definitely becoming too partisan and crossing the line to writing law.
Other Considerations
The media craze and political attacks are not going to stop and frankly I don't think he will either. While I hate living through it and blame both sides for their unprofessional behavior, occasionally it does provide some entertainment value.
I think the mid term elections in November will punish him and the Republicans severely and the Democrats will win the House. While this will excite the left, bolster his haters and stir up the media nothing good will come from it. The continued gridlock will permeate the Congress, the attacks on Trump will increase, the country will stagnate and the world will hate us more. It is also likely that the longest running Bull market will crash and be replaced with a long Bear market.
Is There an Answer?
Yes there is -at least theorectically. We the American people have to fix this. Congress cannot neither can the White House. All politicians on both sides of the aisle must be punished and sent a message. The message should be - Enough! We want you to compromise and do what's best for the people and the country not your party or you. Return to some decorum and decency. Stop the media frenzy - shut them down for a while. Perform or get out!
The other part of the solution is a truly amazing leader. We need a moderate unifying leader who is strong yet compassionate; professional with a clear vision; a man (yes I said it - now is not the time for a female president - too controversial when we need to unify) who understands the system but is not going to follow tradition on everything; we need a leader that will be respected and feared around the world; we need a big picture thinker; we need a diplomat with tons of class; a honorable Christian who will unite all Americans; a man that will roll up his sleeves and get things done - who will manage Congress; a younger person who can relate to the Millennials and Gen Xers; a man with family values and no skeletons in the closet.
If such a person exists we need to meet him and soon. Sadly I don't think there is anyone in politics today that fits the bill so we probably have another nasty partisan fight for the White House in 2020 and the country will become even more divided.
The bad news is if we don't fix this soon we are headed to a Civil War. You think I'm crazy to say that? Take a look around - go on social media. The divide and hatred is rampant and growing. Even kids are getting dragged into it. It is not North and South this time but Left and Right. We have to stop this and soon.
Definitely Trump is not the answer but lets give him credit for what he has done and try to support the good things he can do in the next two years. Continuing to just attack him constantly is unproductive and very bad for the country. He was fairly elected and must be allowed to do his job. If we want to mount a campaign of any kind against Trump we should get a bi-partisan group to tell him to stop the Tweeting! This single act would improve relationships and calm the country. Since many of his supporter hate the Tweeting I think this is a realistic goal. Lets send him 100 million Tweets asking him to stop but offering him support if he does.
These are tough times and I pray for America as our enemies are just waiting in the wings to pounce when we start to implode. And let me remind everyone if we think things are bad now imagine what they would be like under a different Constitution or dictatorship. Rise up America take back control of this amazing country!
The Campaign
Trump was a fighter and hit a nerve in the American population that had been demoralized by the Obama Presidency. He rode the wave of that popularity all the way to the White House. The shock and surprise of the left side of the political aisle is still palpable. The attempts to stop him from winning were legendary and even involve foreign governments. The dirt post election has been very embarrassing for America. The dirt that came out during the campaign was bad. We look like a small third world country full of corruption and underhanded politics.
The Trump Presidency
He took office and immediately began to dismantle many of Obamas orders. He tried to repeal ACA but failed but has continued to weaken the landmark Obama legislation bit by bit. He has been under attack since the day he entered the White House. Actually he has been attacked like no other President in history. His ongoing feud with the press is legendary and will go down in history as an epic battle.
He has done nothing to help himself in the media by posting daily inflammatory Tweets on every subject imaginable. He is truly a bully and attacks anyone who challenges him in anyway. His Tweets are often personal attacks and very un-Presidential. He truly is an embarrassment to the office and should have been censured long before now.(although I am not sure the Constitution has a provision for doing so with a sitting President).
He is hated by every Democrat in the country and disliked by many Republicans as well. I say hated because the vitriol from the left has been nothing short of inflammatory also. I have never seen such vile attacks on a sitting President and such disrespect for the office. The partisan divide in the Congress is the worst I have ever seen in the last 40 years. Even without doing anything as President he polarized the political environment. Now to be fair the left and right were already at each others throats through the campaign process and we have had a lame Congress for many years.So Trump does not get all the blame but he has done nothing to unify the country or Congress.
His attitude has been that of a typical egotistical billionaire that is used to getting his way all the time. I will give him credit however in some areas.
He has made many changes that have strengthened the economy and the tax cuts were a huge part. His foreign policy while unruly has been a big step forward from where Obama left us. Getting North Korea to disarm was a huge world triumph. His strong stance with Iran is also going to pay dividends and hopefully will drive better peace in the region. The new embassy in Jerusalem was controversial but probably the right move. His trade tariffs have been tough but long term will be best for America. We clearly were being abused by many other countries. His minor changes to ACA have been important and pave the way to a better healthcare system in the US. His Supreme court nomination is controversial but a good one - the Court was definitely becoming too partisan and crossing the line to writing law.
Other Considerations
The media craze and political attacks are not going to stop and frankly I don't think he will either. While I hate living through it and blame both sides for their unprofessional behavior, occasionally it does provide some entertainment value.
I think the mid term elections in November will punish him and the Republicans severely and the Democrats will win the House. While this will excite the left, bolster his haters and stir up the media nothing good will come from it. The continued gridlock will permeate the Congress, the attacks on Trump will increase, the country will stagnate and the world will hate us more. It is also likely that the longest running Bull market will crash and be replaced with a long Bear market.
Is There an Answer?
Yes there is -at least theorectically. We the American people have to fix this. Congress cannot neither can the White House. All politicians on both sides of the aisle must be punished and sent a message. The message should be - Enough! We want you to compromise and do what's best for the people and the country not your party or you. Return to some decorum and decency. Stop the media frenzy - shut them down for a while. Perform or get out!
The other part of the solution is a truly amazing leader. We need a moderate unifying leader who is strong yet compassionate; professional with a clear vision; a man (yes I said it - now is not the time for a female president - too controversial when we need to unify) who understands the system but is not going to follow tradition on everything; we need a leader that will be respected and feared around the world; we need a big picture thinker; we need a diplomat with tons of class; a honorable Christian who will unite all Americans; a man that will roll up his sleeves and get things done - who will manage Congress; a younger person who can relate to the Millennials and Gen Xers; a man with family values and no skeletons in the closet.
If such a person exists we need to meet him and soon. Sadly I don't think there is anyone in politics today that fits the bill so we probably have another nasty partisan fight for the White House in 2020 and the country will become even more divided.
The bad news is if we don't fix this soon we are headed to a Civil War. You think I'm crazy to say that? Take a look around - go on social media. The divide and hatred is rampant and growing. Even kids are getting dragged into it. It is not North and South this time but Left and Right. We have to stop this and soon.
Definitely Trump is not the answer but lets give him credit for what he has done and try to support the good things he can do in the next two years. Continuing to just attack him constantly is unproductive and very bad for the country. He was fairly elected and must be allowed to do his job. If we want to mount a campaign of any kind against Trump we should get a bi-partisan group to tell him to stop the Tweeting! This single act would improve relationships and calm the country. Since many of his supporter hate the Tweeting I think this is a realistic goal. Lets send him 100 million Tweets asking him to stop but offering him support if he does.
These are tough times and I pray for America as our enemies are just waiting in the wings to pounce when we start to implode. And let me remind everyone if we think things are bad now imagine what they would be like under a different Constitution or dictatorship. Rise up America take back control of this amazing country!