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Showing posts from 2020

The COVID debacle

Well its been a long time since I posted anything. Just been too busy with work. COVID 19 is here and I am so sad and disappointed about what the world has done. I have learned a massive lesson and not a good one. Actually we should all be very concerned about what has happened and I don't mean just the virus. So few disclaimers so I can avoid hate mail. I am deeply concerned about death - any single death. Everyone is a tragedy I am not a republican I am an Independent I have been in the healthcare business for over 40 years - so I know a fair amount I do not rely on any specific source for news - I verify everything myself Most of the stats I will quote are US based although I may add a few others In 2009 the world faced a pandemic called H1N1. It like Coronavirus was a virus with little or no data available. WHO declared it as a pandemic just as they did COVID 19. On the day that happened the worldwide reaction was very muted. In the US as a comparison the stock mar...