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Immingration Policy

As part of my fix America plan that I launched last summer I wrote a detailed immigration policy. With the recent proposal from the President I pulled up the policy and thought it would be fun to share it (since I never got around to doing that last summer). Amazingly my policy and that proposed by the Gang of 8 are similar in many ways. Here it is:

Immigration Policy (7/21/2012)

We all know that we live in a global environment and marketplace. However, we still must compete for nearly everything. If we assume that we will not return to the days of conquering and pillaging then we must have a foreign policy that conveys our values, limits and desires. It is only fair that our allies and enemies both understand clearly what our policy boundaries are and why. If everyone knows the rules then there is a greater chance that we will get high levels of compliance and cooperation. We must lead from a position of strength and pride.
We must start with our Immigration Policy. Today, it seems we have no concrete immigration policy. We are fighting internally about it and states are trying to address their problems because the feds won’t. We can’t display this front to the rest of the world or we will never be taken seriously and we will definitely be taken advantage of. Knee jerk Executive orders by the President to garner political gain are not helping either. Just look at the current violence and unrest in the Middle East to see how well our current policy is working.

So what do we want? I say let’s go back to the constitution and its basics. We want to be a land of opportunity for all. We welcome all nations and religions. We will take your sick, your tired and your unhappy/oppressed. We will do all this but on our terms. And here are the terms:
For those already here illegally:
·        We welcome you to stay if you do all of the following: (your probation)

o   Apply for amnesty now (provide a 6-12 month window)

o   Apply for citizenship immediately (go to the back of the line)

o   Serve a 2 year probationary period – credit for time here once no criminal record; paid taxes;  pass drug & language testing and have a high school education

o   Learn our language – be able to speak, read and write it proficiently (pass a test)

o   Begin to pay taxes immediately – required when you get amnesty – no exceptions

o   Obey all our laws or get deported immediately – no felony violations during probation

o   Attain at least a GED proficiency by the end of your probation period

o   Pass our citizens test (to be revised and improved)

o   Pass random drug tests annually

o   Establish residency in a state and remain there till you are made a citizen (except for normal travel – including 2 trips a year to your homeland)

o   You cannot possess a firearm or apply for a gun license in any state

o   You cannot vote in any local, state or federal election until you are a citizen

o   Your application will be denied if you have a felony criminal record here or in your home country – no exceptions. You will be deported immediately.

o   You must carry proof of your identity and status till you are granted citizenship.

For those that wish to come to our great country legally: (your probation period)

·        You must apply through our normal process (to be changed and streamlined)

·        Our goal will be to give you an answer re your application within 6 months

·        If your application is accepted you must have a sponsor or family member who is already a citizen & pays taxes. The sponsor can also be a domestic US company that meets all requirements including financial responsibility for you during your probation period.

·        Once verified you can come to the US on a special visa for your probation period and that visa calls for compliance with the following:

o   You can work and should

o   You can be a full time student (verifiable every quarter)

o   You must do either 1 or 2 or both (there will be special exceptions for retired applicants with appropriate financial means or sponsorship)

o   You must pay taxes if you work

o   You must pass random drug tests annually during your probation period

o   Your application will be denied if you have a felony criminal record here or in your home country – no exceptions. Or if you get convicted while in the probation period. You will be deported immediately in either circumstance

o   You must pay for your own healthcare (unless you marry an American citizen or have insurance provided by your US employer) until you become a citizen. Failure to do so means you will be deported and your application will be denied for 5 years.

o   You must pay for your education & that of your dependents till you are citizens (again your US employer can pay it for you)

o   You must choose a state in which to reside and remain there till your citizenship is approved. (except for normal travel – including 2 trips a year to your homeland)

o   You cannot possess a firearm or apply for a gun license in any state

o   Learn our language – be able to speak, read and write it proficiently (pass a test)

o   Obey all our laws or get deported immediately if convicted of a felony

o   You cannot vote in any local, state or federal election until you are a citizen

o   Any children born to you during this probationary period are not citizens of the US till you are granted citizenship. If you are not granted citizenship your children will be given the choice to stay and be US citizens or be deported with you

o   Pass our citizens test (to be revised and improved)

o   You must reside in the US for at least 2 years after your application is approved meet all the requirements stated above, not be convicted of any felony crime and pass a mental health and final drug/language tests.

·        The only exception to these immigration rules will be if a immigrant is granted political asylum by the federal government (under guidelines that will be changed and improved)

By providing a simple set of rules that everyone understands and by giving local authorities in each state the power to monitor and enforce these rules we can simplify the immigration process and welcome all nations to our great country. We have to be very firm in administering this policy and we can’t allow individual states to weaken these laws or our policy will never work. Amnesty for all who are here illegally is a key piece of this policy as is immediate deportation of any illegal alien if they don’t follow the rules.
The only gap in the immigration policy is a Day Worker Program. Many border businesses need daily workers to provide skilled labor. We have to allow for this if we are going to stay competitive in the global economy and maintain great relations with our border nations – Canada and Mexico.

To this end I propose the following:
·        Employer may apply for said Day Worker program

·        To qualify they must have a clean immigration record, prove their need for such laborers and submit financials proving they can take on the liability of the program

·        Employers must accept full responsibility for these laborers while they are in the US and must provide transportation to and from the border daily. This responsibility comes with significant fines if a laborer enters the US illegally and remains past their daily allotment. Additionally, the employer can lose their license to participate in the Day Worker program if they have multiple violations.

·        All day workers will be issued special identification and must have it on them at all times while in the US. All workers ID’s will be scanned and recorded daily with records being submitted electronically to the Border patrol by the employer. All of this will be done at the employers’ expense.

·        The border patrol will have the right to conduct random checks at any employer in the program to verify all workers ID’s and counts. Violations will incur immediate fines.

·        Employers have the right at any time to assist a worker in applying for citizenship as long as that employer or a suitable sponsor is chosen and meets all the requirements stated above.
Since we have now established a fair and balanced immigration policy we now have to protect our borders. This is no easy task at all. Here is what I propose:

·        First and foremost let it be known we will not tolerate illegal entry into the US

·        We will catch and deport all offenders. We will provide rewards to employers and individuals for turning in illegal aliens.

·        If you commit a crime during your attempt to enter our country or while you are here illegally we may, at our discretion, prosecute you or just deport you.

·        We will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law (to be revised and improved) any parties involved in aiding any person in entering the US illegally. (I propose life in prison for all Coyotes even on a 1st offense)

·        If you are caught more than twice trying to immigrate illegally we will tag you before deporting you. (Some form of permanent marker identifying you as a multiple offender)

·        Allocate more funds for border security – technology, drones and staff. This would be a combination of federal and state funds

·        No state law can circumvent federal immigration policy

·        Create tougher laws for employers/individuals who employ illegal aliens (1st offense a fine based on time of employment but not less than $5000 per year; 2nd offense mandatory jail time of 6 months and double fines; 3rd offense is a felony with 3 – 10 year jail sentence and fine of 50%  of individual/company net worth)

·        Better/tougher electronic reporting on immigration status by employers especially those in border states. And a system for employers to check immigration status of a potential worker.

·        A satellite program designed specifically to monitor our borders 24/7 – outsourced if necessary
I know this is a very detailed policy certainly more so than the others I have offered up to date but I saw no way to lay this out at a high level. I apologize if it is too deep in the weeds but I think it is a critical issue for America and has a huge impact on our economy. It also sets up nicely for what I believe should be our new foreign policy – that’s coming next.

I have not read the details of the proposed immigration policy put forth by the gang of eight so I can't comment yet on areas of agreement or disagreement but at a high level it appears for once I agree with my Congress.

I know there will be many who say that we can't allow illegal aliens to be given citizenship but this is a mistake. They must earn that right and pass our tests but we can't go against our founding fathers constitutional provisions. America is a melting pot. Unless you are a true American Indian you are or came from an immigrant - remember that. I am a proud immigrant. I was lucky born of an American father and a Jamaican mother. I thus had dual citizenship and chose America when I was 17. I know the American immigration system as I have many family members who have not been as fortunate as I have. I also know about the European immigration system as I have a sister who is now a British citizen. Let me assure you America is a lot more liberal than the Europeans.

So as we debate this issue publicly lets focus on the importance of a strong immigration policy and strengthening our borders. Lets set the rules so everyone can play by them. Lets keep the American Dream alive.

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