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The Weed Revolution in the US

So we all know that marijuana is now legal in several states for recreational use. Actually it is now legal in 28 states. The map below shows the states with medical marijuana and recreational approval.

There are only 8 states that have approved recreational use with California being the biggest. The results of surveys about legal recreational use states are very limited and the data is very inconsistent. What we do know is three irrefutable facts:
  • It is a multi-billion dollar business and growing
  • It is primarily a cash business
  • It is still illegal on a Federal basis
With California coming on line a few days ago we are going to see the largest marijuana marketplace in the country. As with all new things there will be challenegs. Governor Jerry Brown is already seeing this. He was a big proponent of recreational marijuana (maybe because he has used it personally his entire adult life) and signed it into law last year. Many cities in California however are not as enthusiastic. While all the data is not yet available there are many cities that are not allowing the sale of recreational marijuana by city ordinance. They are banning dispensaries and some are even outlawing commercial famring of marijuana.

On the opposite end of the continuum are the pro marijuana activities. Mike Tyson just announced he has purchased land in the Mojave Desert to open a marijuana haven. Details are limited but that is not the case with Bosville, a town purchased for the sole purpose of selling marijuana.

At the same time Attorney general Sessions just announced that he will be enforcing the Federal laws against marijuana. This has sent a message that investors in California pot did not want to hear. Governor Brown has asked the Feds for help in opening a "weed Bank" in California to handle the expected $5 billion in sales. Is he kidding? The Feds will never allow that.

I don't have anything against legal marijuana as long as it is controlled and taxed. I want to see billions going to improve infrastructure and schools in California. Sadly this will never happen a most of the marijuana taxes will go to the General Fund and be used for liberal pet projects and lining the coffers of our Sacramento politicians. I agree each city and County should have the right to decide about pot sales in their areas as it really is a local thing.

Dispensaries need to be far from schools and must be strictly monitored. I am not sure any state has the resources to do that properly so marijuana and other drugs could fall into the hands of minors. Some fear that other more profitable drugs will be sold through the legal sales channel illegally.

Businesses need to have the right to say no pot smoking while at work and no employee can be stoned at work. The same way we say you can't be drunk at work. Some are resisting this saying it is too restrictive. I disagree.

Finally we need to find a way to accurately test if someone is dangerously stoned. If a cop pulls you over and suspects you are the tests are not very accurate. Sure we can prove you have THC in your blood but what amount is too much?

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