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America's Transfer of Power - Tragedy at the Capital


Well yesterday was the beginning of a new chapter in America. What happened at the Capitol was unacceptable regardless of political party affiliation. It was however not unexpected and not surprising. With the constant protesting and violence that has haunted many American cities for the past year or more driven by radical Democrats, it is not surprising that at some point the opposing party would resort to the same sort of behavior. Peaceful Protests are acceptable - violence is not. It is still unknown whether the actual perpetrators of this heinous behavior were truly conservative Trump supporters or paid disruptors specifically mingling in with the peaceful protesters in the capital.

Unlike the Democrats who have refused to condemn violence that there constituents have perpetrated for the past three years, the Republican Party condemned the activities on the capital immediately and apologized for any role they had in leading up to this tragedy. There have been many reports that have criticized President Trump for having directed and incited this behavior. At this juncture it does not appear to be any proof of that and furthermore the president has confirmed for the third time, that he will transition the office peacefully and appropriately on January the 20th.

What should be of greater concern to all Americans is the fact that the balance of power has shifted dramatically. With the Democrats winning two additional Senate seats in Georgia yesterday, they now control the House, The Senate and the Executive branch. This gives him the ability to force through any agenda they believe needs to be laid on the American people. While there is still hope that moderate Democrats will prevent Schumer and his associates from eliminating the filibuster rules in the Senate, there should be concern.

If America were in a normal state this transfer of power and imbalance would not be of significant concern however, America is not anywhere close to being in a normal state. Between the pandemic and the economic recession not to mention domestic and international tensions, America is in a very unstable condition. Add to this that the country is completely divided across political lines with tremendous vitriol and hatred. Combine all of this and we have a recipe for potential failure. Specifically, if the Democrats push the pendulum too far to the left, we could see a true economic depression and significant civil unrest.

Every American should be deeply concerned about the economic reality that we face today. Due to the politicizing of the pandemic and the fear mongering that has ensued, we have had an economic shutdown the likes of which we have not seen since the Great Depression of 1929. The levels of unemployment are still higher than acceptable and probably will increase further under the new administration due to the expected aggressive taxation being planned. Further the number of Americans who are starving today is at an all-time high. Add to this that the number of suicides and domestic violence issues are also at a peak. When this is combined with the aggressive liberal agenda that has been outlined by many of the new Democratic cabinet members, we faced a potential for a rapid economic downturn.  

Liberals will argue that these social changes are absolutely necessary for The American society. While I do not disagree that many social changes are necessary around the world sensible prudent leaders need to recognize that the timing and extent all those changes must be carefully weighed against the economic and social realities we face right now. For example, one has to ask is it prudent to rapidly increase the taxes on small businesses when nearly 1/3 of them are failing due to the economic downturn. Recognizing that small business employs over 80% of all Americans in the private sector. Not only would we further destroy the small business sector but we would also rapidly increase the unemployment rates and decrease the tax base from which the government can derive tax revenue. This seems like a simple and logical progression to understand and yet reasonable thinking does not seem to be part of the Democrat agenda. Leading economists are telling us that depending on how fast the economy reopens we could be in a deep recession for the next three to five years. With this in mind add and the uncertainty of the pandemic, should we be creating economic disincentives at this time?

Some would say that this myopic focus on the economics of the current situation is not taking into consideration the entire picture. I would argue that economics drives the majority of human outcomes in America and therefore is the catalyst from which so many other outcomes are derived. For example, it would be ridiculous to think that a government could provide enough subsidies for its citizens without having a robust working population and tax base. Let us keep in mind that the American government does not produce anything and does not create revenue.

While stimulus checks from the government are important to assist people on a very short term basis, they are not a replacement for full time jobs and benefits. We must get Americans back to work so that we can restore our families, invest in better health programs and develop meaningful social support and equality amongst our citizens. In short, it is impossible tool provide for the American people unless we have a robust economy. It is also impossible to implement any of the aggressive social programs the Democrats would like to see without having the economic base from which they can pay for those programs.

The Democrats now have all the power so its time for them to show what they can do. They hated President Trump and many of us understand why but the real question is can they perform better than he did. Can they turn the economy around quickly; can they end the pandemic; can they resist their typical tax and spend methodology; can they improve on Trumps stellar trade deals or will they let China dictate our future; can they take the Middle East peace process further or will they revert to Obama failed policies; can they keep peace with Russia and North Korea; and can they keep America safe? While continued Climate change progress is needed, while much more racial and sexual equality are needed and while we need better immigration polices, we must first stabilize our footing and establish America as the leading economic and military power on the planet. Failing to do this along with the revival of our economy will result in unthinkable outcomes for us and the rest of the world.

Its Dem Time – I wish them the best and can’t wait to see what they do. The world is watching.

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