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America's Transfer of Power - Tragedy at the Capital

  Well yesterday was the beginning of a new chapter in America. What happened at the Capitol was unacceptable regardless of political party affiliation. It was however not unexpected and not surprising. With the constant protesting and violence that has haunted many American cities for the past year or more driven by radical Democrats, it is not surprising that at some point the opposing party would resort to the same sort of behavior. Peaceful Protests are acceptable - violence is not. It is still unknown whether the actual perpetrators of this heinous behavior were truly conservative Trump supporters or paid disruptors specifically mingling in with the peaceful protesters in the capital. Unlike the Democrats who have refused to condemn violence that there constituents have perpetrated for the past three years, the Republican Party condemned the activities on the capital immediately and apologized for any role they had in leading up to this tragedy. There have been many reports...
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The COVID debacle

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A Better Medicare for All

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Medicare for All

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