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Super Cars Reign at the Geneva Auto Show

You know the saying" I'd give my left ---- to"? Well I would to be at the Geneva Auto Show today.
Why you might ask? Well this spectacular Euro show happens to often be where new super cars get unveiled. This year is a literal gold mine as not one but three new super cars were introduced. Amazing.

In case you are asking why this should matter to any normal car enthusiast or purchaser let me explain. These pinnacles of automotive innovation and perfection are packed with technology and capabilities that over time will make it to plebeian cars that you can I can buy. Also as a gear head seeing these amazing cars unveiled is akin to a new Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition without any guilt. Yes you ca lust over these beauties and not have your wife or girlfriend get angry that you are drooling over a scantily clad model. And as fantasies go these are just as unattainable as the girls in the swim suit edition.

So lets review these new best of breed.

Ferrari has not launched a new super car since the Enzo in 2002. Yes they have released many new models since then and while all seem to be super cars to us mere mortals in their vernacular they are not. So the much anticipated LaFerrari was unveiled today. It is unique in many ways. At the top of the list is that it is a Hybrid. Yes it has a massive V12 combustion engine throwing down over 800 hp but is matted to HyKers electric motor that throws out another 163 hp. This makes a total of 963HP!

All that power is run through a Formula one dual clutch racing gear box that is combined with a number of active aerodynamic systems. Its design is edgy but driven heavily by its aerodynamic stance. Hell this car will do 0-62mph in less than 3 seconds (probably 2.5 or so) and will hit 220 mph straight off the showroom floor.

Ferrari will make only 499 of these monsters and  as of today the sad news is they are all sold. Gone! and the cost you ask about $1.3M a piece. I know to many of you this sounds insane but I assure it is not. Nearly every Enzo owner I own has made money selling his car - after enjoying it for a time. For this reason Ferrari screens carefully who gets to buy one and its not just about money.

Here is little  known fact Ferrari has a secret list of enthusiasts who  have committed to buy one of everything Ferrari  produces. These elite buyers have the cash and have passed muster with the Italian gods. In exchange for this commitment they get the pick of the litter. If you are fortunate enough to be one this list you actually have the ability to make money on every car. Now most of these unique buyers do not as they are mostly collectors and want to add these works of art to their collections. The remaining set are usually driver and they want to savor the adrenaline of these new machines on racetracks around the world. In short very few if any make the list that are speculators. I have had the pleasure of knowing two of these lucky bastards in my life - both great gentlemen.

Next one the stage is new Lamborghini. As with all their cars it is named after a famous bull. This one after Veneno who killed a matador in the ring. (later I am sure he became a good steak dinner). He was obviously aggressive and nimble to beat a beloved matador. Now he is being adored with the top Lambo being named after him.

This $3.9 million dollar super car will only be duplicated 3 times. That's right only 3 will be made and like the Ferrari they are all sold. Each car will be made in one of the three colors of the Italian flag (go figure it out).

Like its Italian competitor it will have many innovations. The two-seater Veneno is powered by a massive 6.5 litre 12 cylinder petrol engine developing 750 horse-power – equivalent to seven Ford Fiestas – linked to a seven speed manual gear-box with five different driving modes and permanent all-wheel drive. Unlike the Ferrari it will not have any electric power.

Like Ferrari it is very aerodynamic and utilizes all of Lamborghini's racing knowledge to deliver a street legal race car. It is very angular and aggressive like its name sake. It is expected to go 0-60 in under 3 seconds and have atop speed of 220 mph. Sound familiar?

Not to be outdone the British manufacturer McLaren announced it will build 375 of its super car the P1. The car was actually leaked to the press about a week ago but at 866,000 pounds it is a pricey alternative.

McLaren boss Ron Dennis claimed that it is the fastest road car produced. A fact hotly contested by Ferrari and Lamborghini. he says they should test the cars on the hot British car show Top Gear and put the controversy to bed once and for all. I would love to see that show but doubt it will ever happen.

The P1 is not slow boasting a Hybrid power plant like the Ferrari. Their V8 is combines with a KER'S electric motor making a total of 916HP. Unlike the Ferrari the P1 will be able to use the electric motor alone for up to 12 miles if the drive wishes. The P1, which includes many Formula 1 features that are now banned from F1 racing and will be able to accelerate from 0-300kmph in 17 seconds.

As mentioned above super cars are hard to purchase even if you have the money. McLaren confirmed this by announcing that anyone wanting a P1 will have to apply to McLaren. After all they need to be "careful who they sell their cars to". So British and not at all surprising. All 375 will be sold very quickly I am sure.

All three of these  cars will utilize the most advanced composite materials to drive strength and light weight. All three use lots of carbon fiber but also secret composites brought straight from the racetrack - primarily Formula One.

So what else can I say. I had the pleasure in 2003 of being a passenger in a Enzo Ferrari at the Sears Point racetrack in Sonoma CA. The car was driven by one of the Ferrari special customers and a friend of mine who will remain nameless. He is a excellent race car driver but even knowing this and with all my on track knowledge and experience I was scared to death. The speed was amazing but nothing in comparison to the braking and handling. This super car defied physics in my mind. And now the new LaFerrari is launched after testing at the famous Fiorano track in Italy (all Ferrari's are tested here) and has set a lap time of 5 seconds faster than the Enzo did when it was launched in 2002. Truly mindboggling.

It is hard to fathom how they did it but without question it is all about, weight, power, technology and aerodynamics. And all of that knowledge will someday make it to our everyday cars. That is why I am so excited about these super cars. I hope you share my enthusiasm and till next time keep the rubber on the road.

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