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The Pope

For 1.2 billion Catholics around the world this is a big week. For the first time in nearly 600 years a Pope resigned his position. For all my non Catholic readers Popes usually die on the job.

So currently we Catholics are Pope less. Not to worry we sent 115 voting Cardinals to Rome and they are going to elect a new Pope (hopefully this week). It is a fascinating process really and I never cease to be mesmerized by it. Here is how it works:

All the eligible Cardinals (now 115) get locked in the Vatican and debate and vote for the new Pope. No Cardinal 80 or over can be in the conclave. Since each Cardinal is technically eligible to elected Pope himself I presume the age limit is set so that we are not electing Popes every 8 to 10 years. I say assume because no one really knows why age 80 was selected. It takes a 2/3 majority to vote in a new Pope. There are no limits on how many votes (only one per day) or how long they can remain in conclave.

It took nearly three years to elect a Pope after Clementine IV back in 1268. Actually the Cardinals were so divided that the election was a "compromise" that was handled by 6 Cardinals agreed to by the other ten. However, this did not happen till a year after the magistrate locked them all in, rationed only bread and water and took the roof off the Palazzo. During this extended conclave (believed to be the first) three cardinals died and one quit. Truly amazing.

In turn the shortest conclave was in 1503 during the Italian Wars and took 38 Cardinals only ten hours to elect Pope Julius II. However, by this time the new rule was that there was a 10 day period after the Pope died before a conclave could be formed and vote. (today the rule is 15 days so all the Cardinals can get to Rome). The youngest Pope was just 18 and the oldest was 85. Benedict was 78 when he was elected. With the new rule that Cardinals 80 or older cannot vote in a conclave, we will probably never see a Pope elected that is over 80.

Did you know that under the rules of the Catholic church to this day any Catholic man technically can be made Pope? That is true although there is no way they would vote for a layperson. But this does mean that a popular Bishop or Priest could technically become Pope. Interesting trivia.

So who will be our next Pope? Many say that it will be an Italian. After all they have had a strong hold on the Papacy for a long time. Actually, the French were pretty dominant in the early years but the Italians have certainly dominated modern times. Exceptions were Alexander VI in 1492 who was Spanish, Gregory III in 731 who was Syrian, Adrian VI in 1522 who was from the Netherlands and of course John Paul the II who was Polish. As you all know Benedict was German.

Many pundits say the Americans have a shot this time. Cardinal Dolan is liked very much in the Vatican and speaks several languages. I hate to be negative but I doubt that it will happen. I think it is down to an Italian, South American or Canadian.

Cardinal Quellett of Quebec Canada is 68 and oversees the election of all Bishops worldwide. He also sits on the Council that guides the Latin American Catholic Church (where there is a massive growing Catholic population). Speaking of Latin America Cardinal Bergogolo is the Cardinal in Buenes Aries, Argentina and was said to be the runner up in the last conclave. He is 76 and seen as a traditionalist that will uphold the current doctrine of the church. Finally there is Cardinal Scola of Milan. He is 71 and is seen as a very open minded man. He could change Catholic doctrine if elected. He is also the former Patriarch of Venice which has been a position that has led three men to the Papacy.

So watch that chimney everyday. If a vote is unsuccessful then the ballots are bound together with a chemical compound and burned in the Sistine Chapel. If the vote is unsuccessful the chemical causes the smoke to be black. If a successful vote occurs then the ballots alone are burned producing the white smoke we have all come to know.

Since not all 115 Cardinals are not the same size the Papal gowns and shoes are made in advance of the conclave in three different sizes including the famous red shoes. Once a Pope is elected then a size as close to his is selected and he is presented on the balcony usually within and hour of the release of the white smoke. I assume he gets to wear his own underwear?

All I pray for is a strong leader with vision and compassion who will transform the Church where needed and defend her traditions as appropriate. May God bless all the Cardinals and their choice for our next Pope. (also let us have one before Easter please).

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