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A Variety Of Topics

I just got back from a week out of the country so there is lots to catch up on. I will address many items but in no particular order. What a week it has been!


My thoughts and prayers are with all the families of victims of this horrid tragedy. I can't say I am surprised as I have felt since 9/11 that a sporting event would be a target for these cowardly terrorists. This however stoops to a new low even for these idiots. Creating a bomb that intentionally maimes people by attacking their lower extremities? How vile can you get?

A sporting event for the most part never has any lawmakers or government officials that are not heavily guarded so clearly this was aimed at hurting innocent civilians. You know I understand that in the field of war sometimes innocent citizens are killed or injured. I also know that our military does everything it can to avoid this. proof is in the billions we have spent developing systems that allow us to target the enemy specifically. I don't know of a time recently (Afghanistan and Iraq) where we have every targeted innocent citizens. Yet these terrorists have no such moral boundaries.

I hope and pray we will find and capture these animals and that they will face the full weight of American justice. I am saddened that they did not die while exploding their bombs but I am sure God has a plan for them. Please join me in supporting the City of Boston, the families of the victims and particularly all those that were injured in this wicked act. Also lets offer thanks to all the heroes, first responders and medical professionals who have helped all the victims - you are truly blessed and we appreciate all you do.

The Senate Gun Law

Surprise, surprise the senate gun bill failed to pass. As I said in prior blog America is a country of gun owners and we accept the risk that goes with that. We will not be denied our 2nd Amendment rights and the peoples will shall be done. The Senate reflected this and while I believe we can do some things to help keep guns away from criminals that bill was clearly too vague and broad to accomplish the task.

I encourage all those that want gun control to do a few things:
  • Work with the gun owners to develop laws that will affect the criminals and not law abiding citizens
  • Knock off the hate campaign. Loosing is part of being in a Democracy. Show some class and work to find a compromise - don't attack the gun owners or spokesmen
  • Focus on a bill to improve mental health and allow it to be identified and treated
  • Don't buy any more guns. a) you seem like hypocrites when you do b) you are supporting the very industry you seek to kill c) the criminals need unarmed folks to rob etc. so stop letting them know who you are for your own safety.
This issue will not go away nor should it but as a nation today we have much bigger fish to fry - terrorists to catch and a Texas town to support and rebuild. This is a time for us to come together as Americans and put aside our differences. Anything else is letting our enemies win!

Texas Explosion

Again my prayers are for the victims and families of this horrible tragedy. This was truly gut wrenching and shocking. I know that fertilizer is a primary component in some bombs and I know it was the main ingredient in the Oklahoma city bombing but I had no idea that it was this volatile when being stored. This explosion was like a massive bombing - it was felt 50 miles away and registered of 2 points on the Richter Scale.

The devastation to this town and it people is so sad. I pray they get all the help the nation can deliver and I sure hope they find some more folks alive.

As it stands today it is being treated as an industrial accident but I hope the ATF looks at this very carefully as I am naturally suspicious especially right after the Boston attack. If it is truly an accident then I pray that we find the cause and work to see that all such facilities are very carefully guarded and the appropriate measures are taken protect the plants and their surroundings. Perhaps we should make sure all these facilities are far away from any community based on the potential power of their explosion.

60 years ago a ship in a Texas port filled with fertilizer exploded and killed oer 500 folks, so sadly we know this stuff is volatile and dangerous.

Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People

I am always confused about this list. What are the criteria? Influential how? In a specific industry, in a political arena, on the world stage, for humanitarian reasons - what? I think Time should publish  categories with a certain number allotted for each. This way we know why folks might be chosen.

I also think this is a bit self serving and perhaps even simplistic. For example doesn't it go without saying that our President would be on the list? Would it really be hard to pick the top entertainers in a  year? Perhaps it would be a bit more difficult on the humanitarian side but still this all seems repetitious to me. We already know who is most "influential" in most categories because the media bombards us with those folks throughout the year.

Then of course there are Time's choices. Some are as I said above are pretty glaringly obvious but others are just downright unexplainable. I guess it is also logical to say that those that are missing are also surprising. For example how is Oprah not on the list this year? She is arguably the most influential American nd I think she qualifies as an icon. In turn how is Jennifer Lawrence on that list? Sure she is a good actress but how is she so influential? I understand JayZ because he is a mega producer in the industry and has the Presidents ear. But I don't get Jimmy Kimmel. He is a talk show host and comedian. Who is he influencing - his cousin Sal? The same applies to Beyonce, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera. Great entertainers and I like them all but they don't influence my life at all. And then there is Jimmy Fallon. Are you serious Time? He is not an influential person and if he is then we are all doomed.

In turn I think the new Pope, Francis is and will be a huge influence on the world. Malala Yousafzai certainly deserves this honor as she is influencing the change in an entire culture with her personal sacrifice and suffering. Elon Musk is an amazing businessman who is revolutionary and a true visionary who is living out his dreams. Li Na and Aamir Khan are using their positions in sport and film to influence change in their countries - they really are social activists. Rand Paul is a bright young politician with a very specific plan for America and like it or not he is a very influential. I also appluad Time for selecting many true world leaders to the list.

In short I am not sure we need a Time Top 100 anymore. The social media and the internet really take care of all this for us. Let people make their own list. I know I have mine!


So it has been a big week and a very sad one. I hope America can unite around these tragedies and show the world our strength, resilience and faith. We are one nation under God and now we must stand together as we move past these horrors. Let's stop the bickering and take these incidents as a sign from God that we have bigger fish to fry and we must keep our collective eye on the ball. God Bless our great nation.

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