Well, well we have a swarm of media and debate about the quotes from Duck Dynasty star Robertson. I wish I could say I am surprised about this but I am not. Here is my take on it:
- What do you expect from a show like Duck Dynasty? How did this even become popular? A bunch of rednecks who make duck callers? That is entertaining? How? Sadly it is a serious commentary on our society the lack of intelligence and focus on the weird, awkward and strange. Just silly but sadly is our new reality.
- So based on that and the shows personalities we are now surprised and outraged about one of the stars comments about social issues? Why? This was predictable all along.
- Whether you agree with his thoughts or not there should be no surprise that he said these things. He is a professed conservative and religious fanatic. Actually, his comments are probably in line with his beliefs and are not at all shocking.
- If you disagree with his beliefs and point of view (as most probably do) let the market take care of this. Stop watching this show and he and his group will fade into fad history quickly. Come on folks this is not news worthy
I am so sad that Americans are so upset by this. We should not be surprised at all and fortunately we have freedom of speech in this country and he is entitled to his thoughts. Actually I blame GQ. Why would you waste pages interviewing this dude? We all know his beliefs and he is entitled to them.
Truthfully I have heard much worse comments by politicians and others just attacking the left or right. We have no decorum any more and people say whatever they want. I have vegan friends who have attacked meat eaters with much more hatred than this guy did homosexuals yet it is okay for them to do but not him? We need to decide are we a free democracy or not? I may not like what he said but I believe he has that right.
So let's stop whining and grow up American.