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Issues and Logic

There have been a number of big issues that have hit our country in the last 30 days and I feel perhaps we are not using basic logic in reacting to them. Here are my thoughts in no particular order.

Supreme Court Rulings

The Court has ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby on the issue of delayed contraception being provided by health plans. Specifically the Court in a 5-4 vote said that "closely held private corporations" who object on the basis of religious beliefs can deny paying for these types of contraception. It went on to say that thee religious objections cannot be expanded to affect critical/normal medical care.

So here are the facts. Their are 14 types of contraception typically sold on the market and covered by ACA approved plans. Hobby Lobby objects to 4 on religious grounds. Those 4 are primarily "morning after" type drugs that Hobby Lobby equates to as abortion type drugs. Since their belief is that life starts at conception these drugs violate that belief and the Court agreed they can't be forced to pay for such drugs. Hobby Lobby is not denying access to any contraception what so ever but just will not  pay for these specific 4 drugs under their plan.

So all this rhetoric about this being a landmark case denying women's access to contraception is ridiculous. If a woman that works for Hobby Lobby wants one of these 4 drugs she has multiple choices - buy it herself; get it through a government program or waive off the Hobby Lobby plan and get on a Obamacare plan that covers them. To me this sounds like full access. What am I missing?

Central American Child Immigration Challenges

So the folks in Central America have figured out that the US is a very caring and kind country particularly when it comes to children. In turn they have decided to exploit this kindness by sending a huge number of young children across our boarders illegally. Some with their parents but the majority without. Now we have a huge humanitarian issue on our hands.

We cannot leave these children to die and we have to feed and shelter them till we can send them back to their homes. That I think we all agree on but how we do this seems to getting very political. The President has asked Congress for $2 billion to help deal with this. I have no idea whether that is too much, too little or just right? However, I know we need to put up some money to save these kids.

What should we do about this? I think it is pretty clear but I am sure you all will tell me if I'm missing something. First set up emergency centers that can temporarily house these kids/families. Create a process to register them, find out where they came from and who they are? With the exception of those that have legitimate reasons for asylum, we need to get them deported quickly. We need to meet with all these Central American governments and tell them what we are going to do and ask for their assistance. Once the kids/families are delivered to their home country by the US that home government must carry the burden of getting them reunited with their families.

At the same time we must strengthen the border areas where they are coming in. We have to stem the tide or we could go broke managing the influx.

By doing all these things quickly we will send a message that while we are kind folks we have laws and we will not tolerate a violation of them. You come in illegally we will deport you - it will be a wasted trip.

Immigration Reform

The President and Boehner are at it again. Who has the bigger male appendage? Is this the way to run a nation? Stop it!

We need to create sensible immigration reform and soon. We are being taken advantage of because we are divided on this issue. I have blogged about this before. We can do this fairly and set up a system that the world can admire. America is a melting pot, founded by immigrants. This is our history and legacy but we need to be sensible and responsible about how we do it. Stone-walling the issue as Boehner is doing is immature and unproductive. Saying we will solve it through Executive Order as the President suggests, is unconstitutional and inappropriate.

Lets debate the options publicly, vette all the alternatives and then decide as a Democracy what is best for our country going forward. I personally am in favor of a modified amnesty program for all the illegals here with very strict guidelines. I am also in favor of much tougher border protection to stop the illegal influx. And I am open to a new method for applying for citizenship in the US. I have a plan that I think can work and meet most everyone's needs, excluding the radicals on each end ot the opposing spectrums.

Its time to tell our politicians that we are fed up and want this done correctly and soon. It is not rocket science people and yes, it will not give everyone what they want but that is what Democracy and compromise are all about. So lets quit whining and pointing fingers and get on with it.


So now we have enrolled a huge amount of folks and we have decreased the uninsured ranks a tiny bit. We also well on our way to spending over a trillion dollars on this program. Sounds great doesn't it? Now what?

Well the rubber will start to meet the road. First on the list of hurdles will be "finding out what you bought". Most people signed up for the Bronze plan - the cheapest plan. While it is cheap and most also got a nice subsidy to make the premiums even cheaper, now they get to see what they bought. They bought a plan with huge deductibles and a massive out of pocket maximum. I bet less than 10% of the buyers know what coverage they now have. The good news is they can get preventative care with little or no deductible. The bad news is when they have a claim of any significance (not major medical) they face a ton of money out of their pockets before the plan will pay. Most enrollees do not have that kind of cash. So what happens? Wait and see. Clue - these Democrats won't be happy!

The second issue is who will treat the newly insured? We are already short primary care docs and many are retiring early to avoid dealing with all the new regulations of ACA. So we wont have enough docs to treat all the newly insured and we aren't producing docs fast enough. So wait times will be long, quality will fall, some practices will close to new patients and folks will go without care or rush back to their favorite ER at 5 times the cost. Don't believe me? Just look at the MediCal program in California. It has expended and is one of the largest in the US. Try get care through this program and you will get a view of what is coming with Obamacare. We are in for an interesting ride. I just hope everyone is ready for the rough waters ahead?

Minimum Wage

The president thinks it should be raised to $10.10 per hour. The folks in San Francisco think it should be $15 per hour. Other say it should be $13 per hour and some like it right where it is. So what is the right minimum wage? Should we even have one?

I think a lot of this debate is arbitrary. Is the goal here to make things better economically for the minimum wage earner? I think that is the goal? So follow along with me:

IF we raise the minimum wage then the employers who hire those folks have a bigger salary expense and thus a more costly good or service. In turn they will need to up their cost to the consumer for that good or service to cover this higher labor cost. So are we making things better for the minimum wage earner? Well we might be or maybe not. If the minimum wage earner has to buy goods or services to live then they will eventually be paying more for them so did they gain anything in this exercise? The economist that are really bright say they do NOT.

I know the liberals really want something different - don't you? You want the minimum wage to rise but force the business owners to take less profit so that the minimum wage earner really benefits. I know this is what you want but it is impossible. We can't expect a business to absorb huge increases in pay and not increase their prices. If we did this then we would fast become broke or the government would have to own and support all the businesses. This theory is just illogical.

No we are better off trying to create programs that allow minimum wage earners to get a better education and support programs where businesses teach these folks new skills and let them earn more accordingly. Spend all this extra money on more productivity - raise the ocean and the boat will rise with it.

I support helping hands not hand outs. I support economic growth - more and better jobs. I support education and technical training so folks can get ahead. I support lower cable bills; lower water bills; less expensive drugs and healthcare; cheaper gas; lower cost veggies and fruit. Do this and the spending power of the minimum wage earner will rise. Think about people!

Minority Rule

I guess I should start this by saying that I am a member of one of the smallest minorities in the US. Yet I never refer to myself that way nor do I ever think of myself as being a minority. No everyday I think of myself as an American - part of the majority. Part of the blessed, part of the free and part of the greatest country on earth.

We are running off the tracks it seems. America is a Republic really but we call ourselves a Democracy. We pride ourselves on freedom of speech, freedom to work hard and enjoy the fruits of our labor, freedom to worship as we wish, to carry arms, to wear what we want and so much more. It is this unique freedom that the rest of the world envies. It is this freedom that attracts so many to come to America. Yet we take it for granted and are actually squandering it.

For some reason there is a mindset in America that we must protect and elevate every minority. I can't see the logic in this nor understand how we can stay a Democracy if we do this? Sure we don't want folks to be discriminated against or have their human rights violated. We want the legal system to be fair and justice to be blind. But it seems we are minority crazy.

Take the whole LGBT movement. I support peoples right to any sexual preference they wish and I will fight so that they can practice this in their homes as they wish. I support their right to talk or write about their sexual preferences. I support their right to have public displays of affection within reason - same as heterosexuals. And most of all I support their right to marry under the same laws as hetros (sure let them lose half their stuff when their wife cheats on them).

I don't understand why this is now a national cause? LGBT make up about 10-15% of the population of the US at the outside. They have tons of laws protecting them against discrimination and a press contingent that will literally slaughter anyone who speaks out against them. So why all the attention? Every sitcom now has to have a LGBT or it is seen as racist? Really?

Perhaps we don't have enough real causes to support? Actually we do. Kids are starving in many parts of the US; kids are being alienated and are mentally unstable; black on black crime is off the charts; our K1-12 education system is way behind the world; animals are being abused; babies are being abandoned; our children can't drive; our drugs cost too much; our healthcare is slipping; political corruption is high; our political system is broken; our roads and bridges are falling apart; our families are broken and on and on. Find something real to fight for people.

We minorities are thankful for all the work you have done but there comes a point that the pendulum has swung too far. The minorities can't rule the majorities - that is not a Democracy. Accept America for the great country it is and help to make our infrastructure stronger. Sure if you see a minority being abused fight for that but lets not make it the national pass time.

You know the boat story. We need to raise the water level so the minorities in the boat can rise too. We will never have full equality. It is not possible but we can have a kind society that works hard and takes care of its own. A strong economy, lots of jobs and the opportunity to do well is what we minorities want. A hand out is fast forgotten but a personal victory is always cherished. Focus on the big issues and the minor ones will follow.

World Cup Football (Soccer)

The US had a pretty good showing. We came together as a nation and backed the team. So nice to see especially in a country that is not a soccer nation. I hope that more Americans will come to love soccer and that it will continue to grow in the US. (I loved those Kia ads).

The sad reality is it will never be as big as US football or baseball. As a very rich nation we have so many sports and so much money to throw at them that it is hard to create a single minded focus on any one sport let alone soccer. So we will never be a true soccer power house but that is okay as long as we participate and show our support for the most popular sport in the world every four years.

Fourth of July - Independence Day

As you BBQ and set off fireworks try to remember what you are celebrating. We are celebrating our freedom. How lucky we are to have that freedom. How would you like to be a Sunni in Iraq or a North Korean? We are blessed but like all things we are given we don't really appreciate them.

After WWII we had a generation who had a vivid memory of what it was like to fight for freedom. So that stayed in the forefront of our national conciseness. Sadly Vietnam did not have that effect on us. Actually till recently we did not even celebrate those brave folks who fought for us in that conflict. We then had a brief spot of truth after 9/11 and the early Iraq war. Since then we have lost sight of it. Freedom requires hard work and sacrifice. The families of our brave troops around the world understand that but we as a nation are too busy bickering over who get the biggest piece of the pie.

So this July 4th think about those who do not enjoy our freedom and commit to compromising so that this nation can be great again. Commit to getting rid of our stubborn politicians who only care about their power, wealth and re-election. Commit to support the constitution of this great nation because it is the foundation for our continued blessing and success. And finally, commit to family and the return to basic moral principles and the defeat of all this specialty, self centered greed.

Happy birthday America!

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